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テクニカルライター/コラムニストの小寺信良氏が、所有されているバッテリー取り外しが可能なMacBook Proのバッテリーが膨らみ、Apple Store, GinzaのGenius Barに持ち込んだところ、Appleの新しい社内ガイドラインにより無償交換の対象にはならず、本体保証期間終了後は有償になるとの説明を受けたとTwitterでツイートされています。(togetterのまとめ


この件に関して私もApple StoreのGenius Barで確認したところ、2012年に入ってから社内に新しいガイドラインがある事は事実で、保証期間が切れた後、経年変化で膨張したバッテリーは、Mac、iPhone、iPod、iPadでも有償交換になるそうです。

ただ、製品購入時期により、膨らみやすいバッテリーを使用している場合とそうでない場合とが分かっているため、Genius Barに持ち込んで貰えば有償になるか無償になるかの判断が出来るそうです。


To replace swelled battery,which was out of warranty by Apple, you should pay.

Mr. Kodera, who is popular tech-journalist, tweeted that he went to Genius Bar at Apple Store Ginza for repairing his swollen MacBook's battery, he caught an annoy offer to pay to replace battery, which is out of warranty, by Apple's new service guideline.

Genius told him that, almost Apple's products are potentially been deformed by swelled battery, and Apple repairs those troubled products affected by expanded battery without payment, but customer should pay for replace battery when battery is out of warranty and when products do not got trouble.

Macotakara confirmed about swelled battery replacement at Genius Bar at Apple Store, they answered that new repair guideline started since 2012. Along this new guideline, swelled battery for Mac, iPhone, iPod and for iPad by aging should be replaced with payment after out of warranty.

Genius also told, they know which battery has potentially been going to br swelled by date of purchase, then Genius Bar can detect if customer should pay or not for replacing their using battery.

The price of replacement for battery out of warranty are shown on Apple Support pages for each products.


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