




Appleは、2006年に「Three-dimensional display system」という特許や、2010年に「Touch Screen Based Interaction with Traffic Data」など、3Dに関する特許を提出し、結局、これらの特許を採用した製品は登場していません。

2008年に提出された「Systems and methods for adjusting a display based on the user's position」ではカメラでユーザーの位置を検出し、インタラクティブに反応するディスプレイ装置を研究していることが示唆されています。

これらの特許から推測出来る事は、iPod touchのFaceTimeカメラで、ユーザーの顔を登録し、随時追跡することで、立体視する方向を検知補正しつつ、立体に見えるオブジェクトに触れても反応するゲームや映像を作り出す事が出来るのかもしれません。

3D Create:Taiyo Fujii

According to a source of a company which provides LCD to Apple, they seems to begin preparing to manufacture small glasses-free 3D LCD panel for iPod touch.

This 3D LCD panel looks similar to Sharp, corp's LCD which is capable for displaying 3D image without glasses on vertical and horizontal position.

Though Apple had already be granted patent "Three-dimensional display system" at 2006 and many other patents related on 3D technology, actual product is not released yet.

Moreover, "Systems and methods for adjusting a display based on the user's position" which is published at 2008 shows Apple's study for 3D display system shows 3D view with tracking user's position by camera.

Small 3D LCD and these patents suggest that next iPod probably has glasses-free 3D LCD which is capable viewing interactive 3D objects with tracking user's, probably identified by face recognition feature, position by FaceTime camera and 3D integrated gaming interface.


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